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Solve the equation: 17 plus 13 equals

João Libério Maia Júnior ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ): Show in Belo Horizonte - Brazil

Hello , Gamma Ray ! I am a fan of the band for a few years , I live near the airport of Confins ( Belo Horizonte ) . I'm really looking forward to the show will happen here. This time , I can watch the band for the third time . It will be very crazy !! I would like to ask you a favor : I would like to know the band's arrival time in aerporto Confins , and if I can welcome them here ? For me it will be a great joy , because music brings you satisfaction and peace to my heart . I thank the attention in advance , much success, and God bless you always .

PS: We are living a very crítca situation with Brazilian politics, a lot of corruption and social inequality. We need someone to help us. How about we elect Kai Hansen for President ?

Wednesday, 19 August 2015
Gelinlik: I am waiting for your Munich Concert

I am a great fan of your music. I already bought a ticket for Munich concert and will be waiting for your band's live performance.


Saturday, 15 August 2015
FerRock ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ): Come to North America

Hi guys!

Just come to Canada, Montreal again. Maybe 2016?????

I was born in Argentina and I've been living in Montreal for the past 3 years and I'd like to see your always great performance.

Hasta pronto! \m/ Hell Yeah!!!


Friday, 14 August 2015
alvar ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ): Me encanta la música
Me encanta escuchar música, como el diseño de su sitio se ve muy bien.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015
Erich Biedenkapp ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ): Konzert Bochum 1.11.2015

An Dirk "Motörhead" Schlächter

Hallo Dirk,ich bin ein dir "altbekannter" Seligenstädter,den es nach Bochum verschlagen hat.

Wir kennen uns vom Guido Gellerer und Peter Weiterer her.Ich hing damals viel mit Rizzo+Edmund Turner und später mit Eric Kuhn,Jupp Simon,Bertram,Knötey & Co.rum..........

Sicher erinnerst du dich nicht mehr,ist auch schon ne Zeit her.

Keine Angst,ich bettele hier nicht um eine Freikarte,ich würde nur gerne nach oder vor dem Konzert ein paar Takte mit dir plaudern.........bis denn dann.......gude & beste Grüße Erich

Friday, 17 July 2015
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