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Solve the equation: 10 plus 12 equals

Kevin ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ): I enjoyed this post!
I enjoyed this post! I'll suggset some additional marketing resources:Brian Clark's is a treasure trove of ideas, suggsetions, how-tos and general roll-up-your-sleeves-and-get-to-work marketing advice.I have been testing ideas from the series on my blog. It doubled my monthly traffic mostly because I had no clue how to write a compelling headline :)What I like about Brian particularly his is that he's got a great sense of humor, provides loads of other people's interesting content, and is present with his followers. For example, despite having over 100,000 followers, he personally responded to a tweet I sent to him.Also, I am using to market test ideas for eBooks prior to writing them. I've learned that it is a mistake to assume a product market without gathering evidence to support it and this is probably one reason why eBooks do not sell the lower entry to publish means that marketing can become an after thought. †

Monday, 26 October 2015
Krissi: Maria, Maria...

Nicht nur Eure einzigartige Musik, sondern auch so rein zufällig Geburtstag "mit Kai" nachfeiern, macht Gaudium. Wer hätte das gedacht? Nunja, ich freue mich jetzt auf Freitag...Gruß, Krissi :-)

Monday, 26 October 2015
Terry ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ): I cant believe its b
I cant believe its been almsot 3 years since we got married. We looked at this pictures and reminds us again of that special day. You guys are awesome and did an amazing job, we really love the work you guys did. I dont know if you guys remember but you sold me one of the biggest picture frames you guys have and we got our picture framed in it, all of our friends that come over are like DAAAM thats an awesome picture and they envy us. We glady say thank you and tell them that we got it done in Tamayo Studio. Keep up the good work you guys are amazing and we are glad we chose you

Monday, 26 October 2015
Eduardo ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ): aplausos!!!!!

amigos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! los llevo en mi corazón,los llevo en mis recuerdos, los llevo en mis mejores, Ustedes hacen que el heavy metal sea divertido !!!!!! gracias por toda su música , gracias por dejarlo todo en cada canción.......eso hace que su música se quede en nuestras almas. Le mando un gran abrazo desde Quito-Ecuador, siempre esperando que regresen.

Monday, 28 September 2015
Let down: Karaoke competition

what the fuck.....   I Know that you guys had a LOT to take care of when the studio burned and all that. But do you Know how much time everybody spent on recording the cover of the song in the karaoke contest. IT is so disapointing to see that you dont give a shit that your fans made a hard effort to please you whit a god version of the song. So beacuse of all of that i think that you have lost a LOT of credability. So man up and show a winner of the contest so We can leve this shitty contest behind us ones and for all.


Tuesday, 25 August 2015
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